There seem to be many competing ideas these days as to what Christmas is all about. Advertisers are at pains to tell us that it is all about whatever it is they are trying to sell. And the many songs written about the festival assure us it is about ‘feasting’, ‘magic’, ‘snow’, ‘mistletoe and wine’, ‘sleigh bells’, ‘Santa Claus’, ‘Gold rings’…… among many other things! All very lovely, but not exactly getting to the heart of the matter. So, it’s worth us reminding ourselves what Christmas is all about! And in some ways, it is quite simple. At its core, it is about one thing: the extraordinary fact that God chose to dwell among us in his Son Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh – to know our experience of life from the inside out and to pay any price to heal and save us. Christmas is therefore far from being some briefly uplifting moment of jollity, but rather a profound and transformational mingling of the divine with our physical lives. It is something to be marked with great solemnity and a deep joy! I wish you all a truly blessed and peace-filled Christmas. May you encounter anew the wonder of our Lord Jesus Christ as a vulnerable child, lying in a feeding trough, ready to join us in every colour and contour of our human lives.

– Revd. Richard