The word ‘epiphany’ has the dictionary definition of ‘a sudden or striking realisation’. We are currently deep in Epiphany season where our gospel readings reveal to us a series of epiphanies about Jesus. At Christmas, we read St. John revealing to us the mystery of the incarnation when Christ is born in Bethlehem, and then we reach the Epiphany with the arrival of the wise men. Something about Jesus’ importance is revealed to us through the gifts that they bring. The following week he is revealed as God’s beloved son at his baptism, and this Sunday we will hear of his first miracle at the wedding of Cana. Each week a bit more of the mystery is revealed and we begin to understand who Jesus is and what he has come to do. I love the fact that Jesus’ first miracle isn’t something as dramatic as walking on water, or healing, but what seems to be quite a quiet miracle at a large family gathering. It brings home his very humanness and connection with ordinary everyday life. It’s a good time to look for the ordinary, everyday miracles in our own lives where we can see that God is at work.

– Revd Liz