I don’t know how you are feeling about the new year ahead, but I have noticed that a lot of people I meet are feeling fearful.
And yet, at Christmastime and in Ephiphanytide, the constant message from God is: do not be afraid – Jesus is with you, to guide you away from fear into a life full of love and joy and peace! The wisemen from the East understood this message. They took a considerable risk in fearlessly travelling to a foreign land, trusting in the guiding of a star. What is more, when they got there, they had the impressive courage to tell King Herod that they were seeking out his newly born replacement. And when they finally reached Jesus, they were overwhelmed with joy. As we look out on the new year, whatever fears we may have, let us follow the wisemen in seeking out and meeting our King and Saviour with the same trust, courage and joy!
– Revd Richard