The month of January was named after the Roman god, Janus, who famously had two faces and thus looked both forwards and backwards at the same time. Very often images of Janus would be placed at doorways and the month of January was named after him. He was a reminder of looking forward and backwards; ever aware of where we have come from but also looking to the future.
This Sunday we mark the feast of the presentation of Christ in the Temple, also known as Candlemas. It is both a looking forward and a looking back. The baby Jesus at 40 days old would have been taken to the Temple in Jerusalem and presented in thanksgiving for a safe delivery and a making it through the first precarious weeks of life. The encounter of the Temple looks ahead too as Simeon and Anna see both a wondrous light in a new life but foretell of pain which lies ahead.
Candlemas is often said to be one last look at the crib before looking ahead to Lent, Holy Week and Easter.
– Revd Simon