Whilst all our churches welcome everyone, free-of-charge whenever our doors are open, we do hope that visitors and worshippers would consider making a gift at the end of their visit or becoming regular donors.
We hope you would like to make a gift to the Parish today. If so, please click donations page to make a financial gift direct to us via Paypal (no account required) to help the churches and our community.
To give in other ways, please click on these links or use the sidebar to the left: support us to learn about the huge costs of running our parish, churches and community support; donate to make a donation; volunteer to enquire about becoming an essential part of our parish activities; regular giving to set up a donations programme; legacy in your will to leave us a precious bequest for our future. Thank you sincerely from us all, it is vital for our future spreading the good news spiritually and practically to those we care for.