I love a cold drink on a warm day, however scientists believe that having a warm drink on a hot day is better for us and cools our systems down quicker. I don’t fully understand the scientific thinking behind this wisdom, but I do have faith in the spiritual drink that we receive through our faith in Jesus Christ. In our reading from Acts we are reminded that when we truly repent we will be given refreshment, washed clean, and be given a new purpose to our lives.

Jesus continually pours out his grace onto those who ask his forgiveness. Whatever we do wrong it can be no worse than nailing Jesus to a tree and killing him. So, let us rejoice this Eastertide that we have a saviour who forgives us and loves us probably more than we will ever deserve, and let us make it our mission to take that message to all who we meet.

O Father, thank you that both my present and my future are shaped by your grace for me, I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ the Messiah, through whom I praise and thank you. Amen.

Mother Ashley