This week’s reflection
The month of January was named after the Roman god, Janus, who famously had two faces and thus looked both forwards and ...
The month of January was named after the Roman god, Janus, who famously had two faces and thus looked both forwards and ...
Did you know that in Luke 4, from which our Gospel reading is taken today, people in Jesus’ hometown try to lynch ...
The word ‘epiphany’ has the dictionary definition of ‘a sudden or striking realisation’. We are currently deep in Epiphany season where our ...
I don’t know how you are feeling about the new year ahead, but I have noticed that a lot of people I ...
There seem to be many competing ideas these days as to what Christmas is all about. Advertisers are at pains to tell ...
As we lit the second candle on the Advent Wreath last Sunday we remembered the prophets. Those messengers who communicated God’s world ...
Do remember at this busy time to take time and be thankful. It’s easy to get too focussed on the things which ...
I know I am going to sound like a terrible humbug, but it saddens me that we have almost entirely lost Advent ...
Homelessness is a big problem in Great Yarmouth. Our churches, in The Parish of Great Yarmouth, have entered into a partnership with ...
I’m at that awkward moment in the year where I have to carry two diaries around with me, but only for one ...